An art gallery has existed in Windwardside since the 1990's: at first called The Breadfruit Gallery, then it was renamed The Peanut Gallery in 2003. Gersh Geenty and Emilie Declippeleir acquired TPG in June 2011 having purchased El Momo Folk Art, next door, in February 2009. October 2014 Gersh and Emi decided it was time for a rebranding and changed the names to five square art gallery (since Saba is 5 square miles large) and Everyt'ings. In 2016 five square art gallery moved to it's new premises right next to the tourist office introducing brand new lighting, wall space and general feel-good-vibe to really show case the beautiful art works of Saba.
If the gallery had a mission statement it would be 'to bring the best in Caribbean art, and in particular Saban art, to the residents of and visitors to, Saba'. To this end, the owners are constantly on the lookout for new artists; maintain regular contact with current exhibitors; and travel frequently to other islands in the Caribbean in search of new works.